Past Members
Maryam Aderounmu
- Intern undergrad student, Biological Sciences, 2023.9-2024.6
Lisui Bao, Ph.D.
- Postdoc scholar, Cancer Biology, 2017.9-2020.8
- Current position: Associate Professor, Ocean University of China
Tracy Chen
- Intern undergrad student, Molecular Engineering, 2021.4-2022.9
Emma Clark, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2019.1-2019.8
Yongjun Cha, M.D.
- Visiting scholar, National Cancer Center, Korea, 2022.6-20236
Jace Chen
- Intern high school student, University of Chicago Laboratory School, 2022.6-2022.8
Ishaar Ganesan
- Intern high school student, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, 2019.6-2019,8
Marti Gendel
- Intern undergrad student, Biological Sciences, 2021.9-2022.6
Abhi Kakururu, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2019.1-2019.8
Wasay Khan, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2020.1-2020.8
JiWon Lee, M.D., Ph.D.
- Visiting scholar, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea, 2022.6-2023.6
Anna Lee-Hassett
- Intern undergrad student, Biological Sciences, 2022.4-2023.3
Grace Li
- Rotation student, Medical Scientist Training Program, 2023.8-2023.9
Jin Li, M.S.
- Rotation student, Committee of Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition, 2018.6-2018.8
Mustafa Agha Al Kola
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2020.9-2020.12
Shuangjia Lu
- Visiting student, Peking University, School of Life Science, 2018.6-2018.8
- Current position: Graduate student, Washington University
Charmaine Manilay
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2020.9-2020.12
Collin Olander, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters Program in Computer Science, 2018.1-2018.3
Aryav Panda
- Intern high school student, Vernon Hills High School, 2021.6-2021.8
JB Reynier, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters Program in Computer Science, 2018.9-2019.12
- Current position: Graduate student, Columbia University
Lindsey Qian
- Intern undergraduate student, Biological Chemistry, 2020.6-2020.12
Colin Sheehan
- Rotation student, Committee of Cancer Biology, 2020.6-2020.8
Linghao Song, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2020.1-2020.8
Fan Wang, M.S.
- Programmer/Data analyst, 2017.9-2019.3
Lisa Weinstein, M.S.
- Intern graduate student, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics, 2019.6-2020.3
Dongbo (Peter) Yang
- Rotation student, Committee of Cancer Biology, 2017.3-2017.6
Yuqing Xue
- Rotation student, Committee of Cancer Biology, 2023.7-2023.8
Xingyu Yang, Ph.D.
- Postdoc scholar, 2019.3-2019.11
- Current position: Burning Rock Rx, China
Nicole Yao
- Intern undergraduate student, Biological Sciences, 2020.9-2020.5
Ali E. Yesilkanal, Ph.D.
- Postdoc scholar, 2019.5-2022.3
- Current position: Senior Scientist, Bristol Myers Squibb
Anqi Yu, Ph.D.
- Graduate student, 2020.1.2024.9
Lingyue Yu
- Intern undergraduate student, Neuroscience/Computer Science, 2020.6-2020.8
Kasia Zawieracz
- Rotation student, Committee of Cancer Biology, 2022.1-2022.3
Xiaoming Zhong, Ph.D.
- Postdoc scholar, Cancer Biology, 2018.9-2023.6
- Current position: Staff scientist, St. Jude Children's Hospital